Garden moles live underground for most, if not all of their lives, meaning you might not ever see an actual mole on your property.
However, you’ll soon notice signs of mole activity, such as molehills, disturbed grass and mounds of moved earth.
Because of their near-constant digging in search of insects, such as earthworms, to eat, moles can be particularly irritating for schools, garden centres, sports fields and other commercial or public properties with large grounds. Moles can also damage gardens and make life difficult for homeowners.
Thankfully, help is at hand. PestEvo offers fast, effective ways to get rid of moles and keep them from returning. We cover the entire Blackburn area, and we offer a discreet service with unmarked vans where required so you can protect your reputation.
If you’re ready to rejuvenate your lawn and eliminate moles, contact us today.
Get Rid Of Moles Fast With PestEvo
Why Professional Mole Control Is Essential
If you have a mole problem at your home or business premises, then it’s important that you call in professional pest control technicians like us immediately.
Moles won’t go away on their own, and the problem will only get worse if moles are left to their own devices. Each mole will create its own tunnel system, and as they breed, there will be more moles and, therefore, more mole tunnels. This will lead to more molehills and more danger for you and those who use your property. Molehills can cause damage to your lawn surface, upturn flower beds and act as a trip hazard.
Removing moles yourself isn’t an option either, as mole control should only be carried out by professional pest controllers. DIY mole traps can be inhumane and ineffective, and even the ones advertised as ‘humane’ are often anything but.
Most of these humane mole trap solutions control moles by catching them and keeping them secure in a plastic tube until you remove them. Because moles have an exceptionally fast metabolism, they need constant access to a food source so they can eat regularly.
When trapped in a tube for hours, moles can quickly die, often in extreme distress. Every DIY method for catching moles usually ends in suffering for the moles, which is why it’s safest and most effective if you get expert pest control to control moles. For professional mole treatments throughout Blackburn, call 01254492768.

How PestEvo Eradicates Moles

PestEvo is committed to removing moles fast and effectively while also ensuring they endure as little suffering as possible.
We use trapping methods designed to quickly catch moles in their burrows. Our traps are designed so that they feel little to no pain.
Once we’ve caught the moles, we’ll remove them from your garden and check over the ground to make sure there are no signs of additional mole tunnels.
When we’re satisfied that we’ve caught all the moles, we’ll provide a report of our work. We’ll ask you to keep an eye on your lawns to look out for signs of further mole activity and return if needed.
With our mole control services, you can ensure that moles are gone for good and that they can’t disturb your plants or dig up your lawns again.
Alongside moles, we also get rid of a range of garden pests, such as nuisance birds, ants, rats, squirrels, mice and more.
So, if you’re a homeowner or business leader based in or around Blackburn, PestEvo is your go-to provider of professional pest control and proofing.
Call 01254492768 to find out more and book your mole control treatment.